Safe and sustainable transport for rural communities
Safe and sustainable transport for rural communities
Visser iTRARR Mombasa 160315The International Transport and Road Research Conference (iTRARR) took place on 15-17 March 2017 in Mombasa, Kenya. The conference was organised jointly by the Kenya Roads Board (KRB) and the Materials Testing and Research Department (MTRD) of the Kenyan Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MoTI) and was themed "Transport Solutions to Transofrm Lives in the Region: From Research & Innovation to Uptake and Implementation".
ReCAP supported the conference by sponsoring the participation of 17 international speakers and delegates, through participation of ReCAP team members in the organising committee, through assistance in the conference paper review process and through the organisation of three workshops/conference sessions. The topics covered during the workshops included:
  • New specifications for the effective management of rural roads;
  • Geometric design for low volume roads and the implications for road user safety;
  • Gender mainstreaming in the transport sector.

General conference reports:

 ReCAP supported papers and worskhops at the iTRARR 2016 conference:


Type Title Sub Title Author's institution Author Year Abstract

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