About AsCAP

The Asia Community Access Partnership is a six-year research programme for the rural transport sectors of Asia, funded by UK aid. It includes research on design standards and maintenance of low traffic rural roads and on transport services in rural areas. The programme looks to stimulate the effective uptake of research outputs in policy and practice. The programme builds on the experiences gained in the South East Asia Community Access Programme (SEACAP) and the Africa Community Access Partnership (AFCAP) Phase 1 that ran from 2008 to 2014.

Where does AsCAP work?

AsCAP is working with five partner countries in South Asia.

AsCAP Partner CountryPartner Institution(s)


Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development


Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives, Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)


Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Department of Rural Development


Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR)


Ministry of Communications, National Transport Research Centre


AsCAP Regional Partner:

  • National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA), India