Previous Programmes
AFCAP1 (2008-2014)
Key research outcomes of AFCAP 1 include:
- Development of a suite of manuals for the design and maintenance of low-volume roads in Ethiopia, to enable linking sub-district centres with district centres through improved all-weather roads;
- Review and monitoring of road sections built, culminating in the development of a new pavement design manual for low-volume sealed roads in Malawi;
- Design and construction of trial sections in Kenya using the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP-DN) pavement design methodology;
- Institutional arrangements to establish national research centres in partner countries;
- Research into rural transport services for older people in the Kibaha District, Tanzania.
All AFCAP1 research outputs can be found in the Rural Access Library.
SEACAP (2004-2009)
Key outputs from SEACAP were:
- Guidance on low volume road standards and technical specifications;
- Guidance on low cost slope protection;
- Training materials associated with the above.
All SEACAP research outputs can be found in the Rural Access Library.
Other programmes
Previous FCDO funded initiatives addressing rural roads infrastructure and transport services that AFCAP and ASCAP build on:
- The global Transport Knowledge Partnership (gTKP): a project aimed to accumulate and disseminate sustainable transport knowledge through various means to practitioners & transport researchers in developing and transition economies.
- Transport Links: hosted by the Transport Research Laboratory, an initiative to share transport research publications produced under FCDO’s Knowledge and Research (KaR) programme, focusing on road related research in developing countries.