Inter-Regional Implementation Meeting (IRIM) 2017

ReCAP held its first Inter-Regional Implementation Meeting (IRIM) in Kampala, Uganda on 20-22 November 2017. 132 delegates from over 20 countries attended the event, with representation from key stakeholders such as the AfCAP and AsCAP partner country institutions, implementation partners, members of the Africa Road and Transport Research Forum (ARTREF) and other stakeholders, such as from the donor community and multilateral development banks. IRIM 2017 was organised in partnership with the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA). 


Key documents can be downloaded here:

A photo gallery of IRIM 2017 can be accessed here.

This page provides the proceedings of IRIM 2017 per programme part. Presentations can be downloaded by clicking on their “Name”.
TypeTitleSub TitleAuthor's institutionAuthorYearAbstract
pdfGender Mainstreaming in Rural Transport Institutions KenyaTacitus LtdOrwa, S.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 Transport Services workshop, addressing the gender mainstreaming research project in Kenya (rural) transport institutions. The presentation highlights the gender mainstreaming impacts on staffing, budget and expenditure allocations and decision-making processes.
pdfGender Mainstreaming in rural transport projects in Nepal: transformative changesWise NepalHada, J.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 Transport Services workshop, covering the gender mainstreaming research project implemented by WiseNepal. The project aims to investigate the benefits to women of targeted interventions and participation in User Committees. The presentation provides the research areas, methodologies and research findings and conclusions.
pdfCreating an enabling environment for rural transport service provision that is inclusive, transformative and impactfulReCAP PMUBradbury, A.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 Transport Services workshop, introducing the workshop themes of gender mainstreaming and rural access diagnostics and framing the workshop questions to be discussed.
pdfTransport Sector Leadership Development Programme (TSLDP)Mott MacDonald; University of Cape TownKelly, K.;Zuidgeest, M.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 Capacity Building workshop, addressing the current status and outstanding issues of the AfCAP regional initiative on the transport sector leadership development programme.
pdfNew and upcoming capacity building initiativesReCAP PMUVisser, C.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 Capacity Building workshop, addressing new and upcoming ReCAP projects to enhance capacity building and learning and discussion user needs.
pdfBuilding sustainable transport and road research capacity under ReCAPReCAP PMULeta, N.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 Capacity Building workshop, addressing current ongoing ReCAP training and capacity building efforts and discussion their effectiveness for long term sustainable research capacity in ReCAP partner countries.
pdfStatus review of RAIReCAP PMUSampson, L.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017, addressing the status review of the Rural Access Index (RAI), the globally adopted indicator for rural access. The project aim is to move the Spatial RAI forward from a modified solid base using recently identified cost-effective high-tech tools and working within a sustainability framework. The project has 3 Task Groups covering the review, consolidation and application in pilot countries.
pdfBaseline survey of past and current road sector research undertakings in Uganda and establishment of a research management systemUganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)Rubarenzya, M.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 addressing the AfCAP project on Baseline survey on current and past road sector research undertakings in Uganda and the establishment of an electronic research management system. The presentation covers the project rationale, objectives and set up, presents the key research findings and the set up of the management system. It furthermore provides some conclusions and recommendations emanating from the project.
pdfIdentification of hazardous spots and recommendation of remedial measures on selected rural roads in GhanaBuilding and Road Research Institute (BRRI)Afukaar, F.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 covering the AfCAP project in Ghana on the identification of accident black spots on rural roads and the development of a blackspot management system for the Department of Feeder Roads.
pdfMotorcycle and 3-wheeler studyTransaid; AmendRettie, N.;Wahome, G.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 addressing the AfCAP regional project on Motorcycles and 3-Wheelers that started in 2017. The presentation provides the project rationale, i.e. the difficulty of appropriate legal frameworks for the operation of motorcycles and 3-wheelers in many countries. The presentation furthermore addresses the initial findings in the partner countries and further steps to be undertaken.
pdfReCAP Gender mainstreaming in rural transport project clusterReCAP Technical PanelTanzarn, N.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017, covering the ReCAP gender mainstreaming research cluster of seven projects in Africa and Asia. The presentation highlights the significance of mainstreaming gender in rural transport and provides detail on the seven projects, the broad menu of topics they cover, their outputs and recommendations for future ReCAP action and involvement.
pdfEvaluation of the cost-beneficial improvement of first mile access on small scale farming and agricultural marketingInternational Forum for Rural Transport and Development (IFRTD)Njenga, P.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 providing an overview of the AfCAP regional project on Evaluation of cost-beneficial improvements of first mile access for smallholder farming and agricultural marketing. The presentation addresses the rationale, project set up and methodology, the role of transport in the agricultural value chain and the access options for the first mile. Some first results are addressed.
pdfAccessibility and rural transport services overviewReCAP PMUBradbury, A.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 providing an overview of ReCAP Sustainable Access services research, including cross cutting issues. The presentation in particular addresses achievements in transport services research, such as diagnostics studies, gender mainstreaming research, progress in measuring rural access and safety related studies.
pdfCost/benefit analysis of SEACAP trials in VietnamIntech AssociatesCook, J.;Hine, J.;Petts, R.;Hien, N.;Tuan, P.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017, addressing a study in the costs and benefits of SEACAP trials on road pavement in Vietnam under the SEACAP programme in Southeast Asia. The assessment leads to a positive conclusion on the return on investment of the trials.
pdfSetting up Tractor based road maintenance demonstration unit in ZambiaIntech AssociatesGongera, K.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 addressing the setting up of a demonstration unit for tractor-based maintenance in Zambia. The presentation highlights the rationale for the use of tractor-based technology, selection of the pilot site for trialling, foreseen training modules and materials and challenges overcome so far.
pdfThe use of appropriate high-tech solutions for road condition and network analysis, with focus on satellite imageryTRL Ltd.Workman, R.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 providing an overview of the AfCAP regional project on the Use of high-tech solutions for road condition and network analysis, with a focus on satellite imagery. The presentation covered in particular the use for assessment of road condition, the features to be measured, ground truthing processes, as well as cost-effectiveness of the various technologies and the link with the Rural Access Index (RAI).
pdfPilot study to investigate a participatory approach for road side protection of rural roads in NepalHelvetasMeyer, H.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017 addressing the AsCAP project on Participatory approach to roadside plantation for rural roads in Nepal. The presentation covers the project set up and achievements to date, including key issues that were addressed such as the definition of the right-of-way, selection of plant species that are both protective and profitable, the integration potential of the poorest part of Nepal society.
pdfClimate adaptation of rural road networks to preserve accessibility and road assetsCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)Verhaeghe, B.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017, covering the AfCAP regional project on Climate resilience for vulnerable road access in Africa. The presentation provides an overview of the status of the project and recent outputs such as the Climate Adaptation Handbook and associated guidelines, which are currently being trialled in partner countries.
pdfEffective rural road asset managementCivil Design Solutions (CDS), AfricaGeddes, R.2017Presentation held at the IRIM 2017, providing an overview of the AfCAP regional project on Economic Growth through Effective Road Asset Management. the presentation addresses the concepts and tools used in the project to improve rural road asset management in the pilot countries, including the road preservation pyramid, the road asset management building blocks radar and the development of a rural roads preservation index.
pdfPreservation of Rural Infrastructure: Session OverviewReCAP PMUSampson, L.2017Presentation held at the IRIM2017 providing the session overview for the Plenary session on the preservation of rural road infrastructure. The presentation addresses the various sub-themes, such as asset management, climate resilience, road maintenance, etc.
pdfInvestigation of the use of cinder gravels in pavement layers for low volume roadsTRL Ltd.; Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA)Otto, A.;Endale, A.2017Presentation held at IRIM 2017 addressing the cinder gravels project in Ethiopia, implemented by TRL Ltd. The project aims include developing guidance on the selection, processing and use of cinder gravels, improve the understanding of its properties as pavement material for low volume roads. The presentation details outcomes of laboratory tests and includes recommendations for application elsewhere.
pdfSome Key Principles of Sustainable Rural AccessReCAP Technical PanelCook, J.2017Presentation held at IRIM 2017 addressing the three pillar strategic framework (or “Access Continuum”) of ReCAP that will guide research efforts in the remaining 2,5 years of the programme. The presentation highlights the link between Rural Transport and achieving the wider development framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a set of key messages on rural access developed to feed into the multilateral development discourse. Furthermore the presentation focuses on the ReCAP research contributions on the topics of provision of Rural Access, including LVR design, materials use, performance management and measurement, standards and specifications and construction methods.
pdfPlanning and prioritisation of rural roads in BangladeshBangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET); Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), BangladeshAkhter, M.;Sadeque, M.2017Presentation held at IRIM 2017 addressing the development of a Rural Road Planning and Prioritisation Model (RPPM) addressing the local context, issues and needs in Bangladesh. The model enables the prioritisation of rural roads for improvement and maintenance by type of road development and type of road surface. The tool has proven to be successful in providing a wealth of information and is likely to be implemented in other districts in Bangladesh.
pdfRoad Design and the Physical Environment: Appropriate Design Options for Steep GradientsAn example from GhanaCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)Anochie-Boateng, J.;J.2017Presentation held at IRIM 2017 on the Steep gradients research project implemented in Ghana. The research looks into establishing appropriate design and construction techniques for steep road sections and develop guidelines and specifications.