Inter-Regional Implementation Meeting (IRIM) 2019
in order to bring together the full ReCAP community of practice around the three strategic pillars of the ReCAP Way Forward (provision, preservation and sustainable use and services of/for rural access), the ReCAP PMU organised the 2019 Inter-Regional Implementation Meeting.
The first edition of the ReCAP IRIM was implemented in Kampala, Uganda, in November 2017 with the support from the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA).
The second IRIM was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 25 to 27 February 2019, hosted by the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Federal Affairs, Department of Local Infrastructure (DoLI). Its theme was “Effective uptake and embedment of transport research benefitting rural communities”. The theme is reflective of the status of ReCAP, with, in addition to implementation of research projects, a focus on dissemination, uptake and embedment is paramount.
IRIM 2019 addressed the contribution of regional and inter-regional ReCAP research initiatives as related to ReCAP’s themes and will feature, and, where relevant, key exemplary national initiatives with results that have wider implications or are transferable to other countries/regions.
The aims of the IRIM 2019 were to:
- Inform and discuss with key stakeholders the ReCAP Way Forward Vision for 2020 and beyond, including addressing uptake and embedment of ReCAP research outputs and formulate recommendations and actions for overcoming barriers;
- Inform key stakeholders of status and updates in key flagship national, regional and inter-regional initiatives that provide a platform to continue beyond 2020;
- Discuss outstanding areas within the rural transport continuum (provision, preservation, sustainable use) that remain to be addressed through research;
- Facilitate cross-regional exchange of experience and lessons learnt related to the three key strategic pillars of the ReCAP Way Forward; and,
- Strengthening of the ReCAP Community of Practice through networking and peer-to-peer learning.
Key documents
– The IRIM 2019 programme
– Following IRIM 2019, a think piece was developed containing a number of key messages, lessons and recommendations for enhanced uptake of ReCAP research, based on interviews with IRIM delegates and observations during the event: Thapa-Scriptoria-ReCAPThinkPieceIRIM2019-ReCAP-KMN2160A-190411.pdf
Type | Title | Sub Title | Author's institution | Author | Year | Abstract |
Manuals for Safe Motorcycle Taxi Operations | Amend;Transaid | Bishop, T.;Rettie, N. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session D, on the Africa regional project that looked into enhancing the understanding of safe motorcycle and three-wheeler taxi use for rural transport. The findings of the research project are presented. The project delivered a set of manuals that are summarised in the presentation; one for motorcycle taxi associations and an instructor manual for training motorcycle taxi riders. | ||
Accident data collection in Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone Roads Authority | Amara, T. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session D, on a project in Sierra Leone to improve the recording, storage and analysis of road traffic crash data. The presentation highlighted the tools and databases put in place to collect and store good quality accident data. | ||
Liberia Rural Mobility and Socio-Economic Baseline Study | University of Birmingham | Bopoto, C. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session D, summarising the AfCAP project in Liberia aiming to establish a simple and sustainable system for measuring the impact of feeder road improvement projects, including setting up an online database and training of relevant staff. | ||
Illustrative Guidelines for Mainstreaming Gender in Rural Transport | ReCAP Technical Panel | Tanzarn, N. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session C, highlighting the work done on drafting and consolidating guidelines for gender mainstreaming in rural transport. The guidelines address gender mainstreaming in transport policy and planning, institutions that deliver rural transport and infrastructure, the infrastructure improvement cycle and provision of transport services. | ||
Interactions: maintenance - provision of access for rural transport services (IMPARTS) | TRL Ltd. | Starkey, P. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session C, summarising the set up and progress on the IMPARTS project that looks at the interaction between the investments to improve road condition and maintenance and the provision of rural transport services. The project aims to come up with guidelines as to how to integrated transport services issues into rural road planning. The team completed a scoping study (Phase 1) and is now preparing for Phase 2 and 3. | ||
First Mile Cost Benefit Analysis and Recommendations | TRL Ltd.;International Forum for Rural Transport and Development (IFRTD) | Hine, J. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session C, summarising the results of the AfCAP regional project on First Mile access for smallholder farmers. The project looked at the constraints, quantified the effects and identified and prioritised measures to improve first mile infrastructure and services. | ||
Road Construction Materials Proficiency Testing Scheme (PST) in Mozambique | ANE | Tayob, H.;Cumbane, C. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Plenary Workshop 2, about the proficiency testing scheme (PST) project carried out in Mozambique to improve laboratory testing of road materials. | ||
Long Term Pavement Performance Monitoring Programme: Progress and Challenges | CDS | Geddes, R. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Plenary Workshop 2, summarising the ReCAP project on LTPP monitoring programme that runs in eight AfCAP countries and one AsCAP country (Myanmar). The tools that are developed were presented as well as capacity building activities. | ||
Back Analysis Project - Findings and Recommendations for Phase 2/Phase 3 Inception | TRL Ltd. | Otto, A. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Plenary Workshop 2, about the Africa regional Back Analysis project which aims to analyse historic performance data of Low Volume Sealed Roads seals and pavements. Project Phase 2 has been completed - this included a data gap analysis. Phase 3 has started with reconnaissance visits in four countries and one is still to be undertaken. | ||
Fit for Purpose Rural Roads in Myanmar | Department for Rural Development (DRRD), Myanmar | Wai, T. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Plenary Workshop 2, summarising the project on LVR standards and specifications geared towards dealing with Myanmar's specific topography and traffic. | ||
Rural Road Research Center in Myanmar | Department for Rural Development (DRRD), Myanmar | Wai, T. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session B, summarising the current status and way forward for the establishment of a Research and Development Unit within the Department of Rural Development in Myanmar. | ||
Country: Mozambique | ANE | Simoes, I. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session B, summarising the status of research capacity building in Mozambique within the National Roads Authority (ANE). | ||
Establishment and growth of a Road and Transport Research Centre in Uganda | Uganda National Roads Authority | Rubarenzya, M. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session B, summarising the key initiatives and achievements in the establishment and growth of a road and transport research centre within the Uganda National Roads Authority. | ||
Outcome of Research Capacity Building in Tanzania | PO-RALG;TARURA | Magafu, F.;Lwanda, V. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session B, summarising the activities and results of AfCAP coordinated research capacity building efforts in Tanzania. | ||
Reflections on the ReCAP Inter-Regional Implementation Meeting, 25–27 February 2019, Kathmandu, Nepal | ReCAP Think Piece | Scriptoria | Thapa, R. | 2019 | This think piece offers reflections on the second ReCAP Inter-Regional Implementation Meeting (IRIM) 2019, which was organised on 25-27 February 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal. IRIM brought together key stakeholders from ReCAP partner countries (both research practitioners and policy makers), implementation partners and multilateral partners on the theme of "Effective uptake and embedment of transport research benefiting rural communities". The think piece provides a number of key messages, lessons and recommendations for enhanced uptake of ReCAP research, based on interviews with IRIM delegates and observations during the event. | |
RAP Approach to Rural Road Maintenance | Rural Access Programme 3 | Poudel, A. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session A, on the Rural Access Programme 3 that is being implemented in Nepal and its approach to road maintenance. The programme works with Road Maintenance Groups and Special Maintenance Groups; the RMGs having been introduced in 32 district projects. Based on the approach RMG guidelines have been developed and adopted by the Government of Nepal. | ||
Participatory Approach for Roadside Protection of Rural Roads in Nepal | Helvetas | Pandey, G. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session A, providing an update on the project in Nepal on a participatory approach to protect the roadside through planting commercial crops. The presentation provided an update on the selection of the two demonstration sites where broom grass is being planted, and the process of involving the local communities. The status of the two sites was discussed as well as issues and challenges encountered. | ||
Climate Adaption: Risk Management and Resilience Optimisation for Vulnerable Road Access in Africa | Ghana's perspective | Ministry of Roads and Highways | Balika, E. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session A, providing an update on the implementation of the Climate Adaptation project in Ghana; 1) the building of a stakeholder community; 2) capacity building and training of staff; and 3) the selection of a demonstration site. A stakeholder workshop was held involving policy makers, development partners and other institutions involved in climate resilience. Various training sessions were organised with the involvement of various agencies. A stretch of 19.2km of road between Tampion and Tidjo has been selected as demonstration section; the design has been completed and the project is currently awaiting tender. In terms of embedment the project has been able to deliver inputs into the climate change component of Ghana's National Transport Policy that is currently under review. | |
Climate Adaptation | Making Rural Roads More Resilient | ANE | Langa, R. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session A, highlighting the activities undertaken in Mozambique in the framework of the AfCAP regional project on Climate Adaptation. Following a road assessment, problems were identified and climate resilient solutions were designed. These are now being constructed on LVR demonstration sections, to be tested and monitored. | |
Climate Change Adaptation | Paige-Green Consulting (Pty) Ltd. | Paige-Green, P. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session A, addressing the AfCAP regional project on Climate Adaptation and enhancing the resilience of rural road networks. The presentation addressed the steps undertaken in the project including the implementation and roll out in AfCAP partner countries that participate, i.e. Ethiopia, Ghana and Mozambique. Activities included the development of guidelines and manuals, testing of the manuals, training and the design and construction of demonstration sections in Mozambique and Ghana. | ||
Economic Growth through Effective Rural Road Asset Management | Uganda National Roads Authority;CDS | Mbabazi, E.;Bopoto, C. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019, Breakaway Session A, providing an overview of the AfCAP regional project on LVR asset management. The presentation addresses the various tools and indices that were developed in the project and the monitoring process for socio-economic impacts of improved asset management. | ||
RAI Measurement Framework and Case Study Trials of the Proposed Methodology | TRL Ltd. | McPherson, K. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Workshop 1, addressing the ongoing work on the measurement framework and case study trials for pilot application of the RAI. The presentation addresses available data collection methodologies and issues related to it for the three layers of the RAI data: (rural) population distribution, road network and road condition. | ||
Consolidation, Revision and Pilot Application of the Rural Access Index (RAI) | TRL Ltd. | Workman, R. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Workshop 1, addressing the ReCAP project on consolidation, revision and pilot application of the RAI by TRL Ltd. The presentation highlights some of the issues related to the definition of the various components of the RAI, as well as methodological challenges in measuring and collecting appropriate data to assess the RAI of a country. | ||
Overview of the RAI | ReCAP PMU | Bradbury, A. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Workshop 1, providing an overview of the Rural Access Index (RAI), its origins, ReCAP's involvement in its development, its current status and the ongoing activities to consolidate and revise the RAI methodology. | ||
Beyond 2020: A Donor View | DFID | Jones, E. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 4, highlighting DFID's perspective on the sustainability and continuity of community access research, funded since 2004. | ||
ReCAP legacy: what will be available by 2020? | ReCAP PMU | Visser, C. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 4, addressing what the ReCAP wants to leave behind as a legacy upon programme completion. This includes published articles in renowned journals and conferences of high standing, an online repository where all research outputs are stored, successful advocacy to get and keep rural transport on the development agenda, and legacy documentation. | ||
A broad strategy for rural transport research for 2020 in the ReCAP context | ReCAP Technical Panel | Cook, J. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 4 focussing on the final phase of the ReCAP programme and actions to ensure an orderly closing, sustainability, uptake and embedment of ReCAP research. | ||
Results of the ReCAP online learning scoping study | Nadya Mundo | Barrett, K. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 3, summarising the outcomes of a ReCAP scoping study into the options for developing a suite on online learning courses on rural transport and rural road infrastructure. | ||
Knowledge retention in the rural transport sector | ReCAP PMU | Visser, C. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 3 highlighting the methodology and outcomes of a knowledge retention project undertaken to capture and widely disseminate the knowledge of very senior rural transport experts. | ||
The importance and benefits of mentoring | ReCAP Technical Panel | Greening, A. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 3, addressing the mentoring initiative by the ReCAP Technical Panel and highlighting the benefits of mentorship. | ||
Updates on ReCAP Capacity Building Initiatives | ReCAP PMU | Leta, N. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 3 providing updates on the ReCAP capacity building initiatives that are ongoing. These include the establishment of the Centre for Sub-Saharan Transport Leadership, training-of-trainer efforts in climate adaptation and asset management and structured mentorship. | ||
Community Access - What do research programs need to deliver? | Asian Development Bank | Leather, J. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 2, addressing the needs for uptake and embedment from a development bank's point of view. The presentation focuses on what research programmes need to deliver to be considered for uptake and how rural transport fits within the ADB strategy. | ||
The Researchers' View | ReCAP Technical Panel | Cook, J. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 2, addressing the researcher's view on uptake and embedment of research outcomes into policy and practice. | ||
Rural Transport Advocacy in Africa/Asia | O'Neill, P. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 1, addressing advocacy for transport in general and rural transport in specific in Africa and Asia. The presentation provides an overview of knowledge products to be used for effective advocacy and shares the experience of the Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum implemented in Asia and of plans to organise an effective, recurring dialogue on transport in Africa. | |||
Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All) | ReCAP Technical Panel | Cook, J. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 1, addressing the SuM4All initiative convened by the World Bank and with active involvement of the ReCAP programme championing the work on rural access under the Universal Access theme. | ||
Rural Transport and the SDGs | ReCAP PMU | Bradbury, A.;Visser, C. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Plenary Session 1, addressing the role of rural transport in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and the rationale for rural access research. | ||
Rural Access Programme: Learnings from constructing and maintaining rural roads in Nepal | RAP Nepal | Baidya, S. | 2019 | Presentation held at the IRIM 2019 Opening Ceremony addressing the DFID-funded Rural Access Programme (RAP) implemented by IMCWorldwide. The presentation addresses how the RAP has delivered in terms of roads and bridges constructed, people affected in terms of poverty alleviation and resilience and how research has fed into the programme. |