ReCAP Final Event 2020
On 14 December 2020, the FCDO-funded Research for Community Access Partnership (ReCAP) will come to an end. To mark the occasion, ReCAP is organising a final virtual event on the theme of “ReCAP achievements and impact: looking beyond 2020”. The event programme will focus on highlighting main achievements of the programme as well as successes in outcomes/impacts with beneficiaries and other stakeholders, and provide the audience with guidance on key elements of the ReCAP exit strategy, including where to find key programme assets and results.
The event is open to anyone and in particular members of the ReCAP Community of Practice. Participation is free of charge.
Format: webinar
Final Programme:
11.00h Opening and welcome
Introductory remarks by Mark Harvey, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, United Kingdom
11.10h Part I: ReCAP achievements and impact from a beneficiary/stakeholder point of view
Summary of ReCAP Achievements, by Joseph Haule, ReCAP Team Leader
Centre for Sub-Saharan Transport Leadership, by Prof Charles Adams, CSSTL KNUST, Ghana
Applying the ReCAP Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines in the Transport Sector: the case of Afghanistan, by Safia Jamal, MRRD, Afghanistan
The development and roll-out of a training curriculum for motorcycle taxis and tricycles and the ReCAP Instructor’s Manual, by Johansen Kahatano, LATRA, Tanzania
Institutionalisation of Rural Road research: the case of Myanmar, by Soe Htun Naing, DRRD, Myanmar
12.00h Part II: Beyond ReCAP
High Level Panel discussion with participation of beneficiary representatives and stakeholders, Q&A
ReCAP’s Exit Strategy highlights, by Annabel Bradbury, ReCAP Deputy Team Leader
13.00h Closing
A downloadable copy of the programme is available here.
You can register to take part in the event through this link: Register.
Registration will remain open until Monday 7 December, Close of Business GMT.