ReCAP programme extended until mid-December 2020

We are pleased to announce that ReCAP has been granted a three-month extension that will run until 14 December 2020. During this three-month period the programme will focus on the following:

  • Implementation of COVID-19 Response & Recovery Transport Fund approved projects that can be implemented within three months.
  • Updating of the ReCAP Final Report and enabling activities for FCDO to conduct the Annual/Final Programme Review.
  • Preparation of ReCAP case studies from ReCAP partner countries demonstrating impact and lessons learnt.
  • Safeguarding of key programme assets like the Rural Access Library by means of identifying future hosts and transfer of assets.
  • Updating the ReCAP Exit Strategy including reaching out to stakeholders to engage, consult and agree handover.
  • Organisation of a final (virtual) ReCAP dissemination event.
  • Maximising programme results, sustainability and impact through enhanced capacity building and dissemination of ReCAP research evidence.

We would furthermore like to take the opportunity to announce some changes in the ReCAP Programme Management Unit (PMU) as of 14 September 2020:

  • Tracy Lane (Cardno Nairobi) will take over from Dave Runganaikaloo as ReCAP Programme Director.
  • James Evans (Cardno Emerging Markets (UK) Ltd) will take over from Daniel Ackers as ReCAP Programme Manager.

Their contact details are available here.

The ReCAP Team